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Hi! I am Varidhi.
I am a PR & Comms. Professional

A motivated millennial, with her finger on the pulse of social and digital media advancements, who thrives in rapidly growing & innovative organizations. A current graduate of USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism with a strong background in Consulting. Also, you can call me Ria. Let’s dive in~

What I Do

I have done some interesting work in Comms. & Strategy at USC. Just click on the pictures to learn more!

Research/Analysis/ Creativity/Storytelling

Created a campaign to drive maximum subscription for the ABC Club.

Consumer Insights/ Culture/Marketing

Created a targeted B2B campaign for Boxed Water, aimed at increasing sales by reaching out to key target audiences.

Branding/Research/ Creativity/OOH Ads

Spearheaded a targeted B2B campaign aimed at increasing subscriptions & engagement for Trade for Teams. 

California Housing Industry

Industry Analysis/ Strategy & Crisis Comms.

Identified a solution for the lack of affordable housing in CA. Created eye-catching visuals & engaging content.

Press Releases & Opinions

Developed creative briefs, compelling press releases, features & opinions. 

Paid Social

Created IG posts, magazine covers, infographics & multi-platform content for Boxed Water, Patagonia, Community Land Trust & other consumer & tech products/services.

Case Studies

Did financial & stock analysis, trend analysis, and scenario planning for Airbnb, Adani Enterprises, California CLTN & developed actionable solutions.

Data Analysis

Used Brandwatch, Google Analytics, Orange & Voyant to analyse diverse topics like Superbowl, Housing, Trends, Culture & Tech Industry.